Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 class page!

The Class Teachers are Miss Curbeson and Mrs. Pascoe.

The Teaching Assistants are Mrs, Attle, Mrs. Davy and Mrs. Laverick.

We have lots of exciting and interesting learning planned for the year ahead. We hope that you enjoy reading through what we will be learning in class over the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.

Our Learning in Year 5 (2023-2024)

Summer Term

Year 5 First Aid Training

CRC Article 17: All children have the right to reliable information

CRC Article 19: All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm.

To support one of our Year 5 PSHE units of work which focuses on the topic Keeping Safe, we have completed some First Aid training with Garry from Flat Stan First Aid.

Garry explained how important it was for us – as responsible, young citizens – to know our home address in full and how to call 999 for help in case of an emergency. We were given a Flat Stan First Aid booklet to remind us of what we learned.

Garry taught us an acronym (DR. ABC) to help us to remember some key First Aid points:

  • D for danger – we must check for danger before we help in any First Aid situation. We have a right to be safe and may be unable to help others if we also get into difficulty.
  • R for response – we learned how to use our senses to check a casualty for a response so that we know what to do next.
  • A for airways – we were taught and shown how to open someone’s airways to help them to breathe.
  • B for breathing – we were shown how to check if a casualty is breathing and were shown how to help someone who is choking.
  • C is for circulation – we practised basic CPR on Flat Stan and Garry demonstrated how to tie a bandage to stem a significant flow of blood.
Our Learning in Year 5 (2022-2023)

First Aid with Flat Stanley!

CRC Article 19: All children have the right to be safe.

Year 5 have had a visit from Flat Stan to reinforce their PSHE learning. What an amazing experience they had from start to finish. The children (and staff!) thoroughly enjoyed themselves in each of the sessions and the range of practical activities and demonstrations, including the certificates, goodies and booklets for the children was spot on and went down a treat. Our children have had the opportunity to develop lifelong skills and thoroughly respected their own and everyone else’s right to be safe.

Show Racism the Red Card

Follow the link below to see how we can now help educate others to support Show Racism The Red Card.

Learning in Year 5

Today, Year 5 spent time learning how to create contrasting effects by using the tripod and overhand pencil grips. They used their new skills to develop these impressive line drawings.


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