Daily Update:
As per Government guidelines, if your child falls into the Critical/Key Worker category, and you have no other child care, you will have received a text message from school.
If you have NOT received a text from school today confirming that your child can attend, CHILDREN SHOULD STAY AT HOME from Monday 23rd March until further notice for social distancing, during the Corona Virus outbreak.
For those children NOT attending school due to closure, packed lunches will be available for means tested free school meal children. They will be available to be collected from Shildon Alive daily, from 12pm. Shildon Alive will need to be given your name in order for you to collect your child’s packed lunch; if you do not want Shildon Alive to have your name then please contact the school office . If this is the case, you will not be able to receive a packed lunch. Please take ID with you to collect.
Doors will open at 8;40am on the middle yard only for those children who fall into a category eligible to attend as per Government guidelines. All the parents/carers of these children will have been notified today by text.
2yr’s, Nursery and Reception children (Year 1 door)
Years 1 – 6 children (Year 2 door)
Breakfast club will be available for those children who have received a text.
There will be no after school clubs during the close down period.
There will be no bike shed available, so please no bikes or scooters.
A huge thank you to Shildon Alive for helping us at this difficult time.