Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, incorporating Relationships Education (including Relationships and Sex Education)
As part of our Gold Level Rights Respecting School, our intent is to ensure that each child reaches their full potential, academically, socially and emotionally. We aspire to ensure that all children have the aspiration and the opportunity to develop to be the best that they can be. We want our children to know their rights (Convention on the Rights of the Child) and to respect these rights and the rights of others both locally and globally. We want our children to be confident, to know how to stay safe (on and offline) and to be healthy, both physically and mentally. We want our children to develop a clear set of human values, to be independent, to be socially and emotionally literate and to be able to develop positive, stable and loving relationships. We aim for our children to develop into well-rounded, global citizens.
Our intent is to enable children to:
- respect themselves as individuals, whilst developing an understanding, tolerance and respect for others and their differences, treating all people as equal;
- develop a clear set of values and attitudes, including respect, honesty, empathy and kindness and establishing a strong moral code and keeping to it;
- value themselves as unique human beings, capable of spiritual, moral, social, intellectual and physical growth and development;
- know how to stay safe both offline and online and where to get help;
- develop their varied abilities and talents fully, setting achievable goals, learning to work and try hard;
- demonstrate resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity and have the ambition to be successful learners;
- learn to live and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally;
- develop an active role as a member of a family and of the wider community;
- understand the principles of our society and democracy;
- value their role as a contributing member of a democratic society;
- respect the letter of the law and encourage others to do so.
Our Rel Ed and RSE programme aims to prepare pupils for an adult life in which they can:
- develop positive, stable, loving relationships;
- develop positive values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions, judgements and behaviour;
- have the confidence and self-esteem to value themselves and others and respect for individual conscience and the skills to judge what kind of relationship they want;
- understand the consequences of their actions and behave responsibly within personal relationships;
- avoid being pressured into uncomfortable or dangerous situations;
- communicate effectively by developing the appropriate language for sex and relationships issues;
- have an understanding of permission seeking/consent;
- develop awareness of their evolving sexuality, gender identity, challenge sexism and prejudice, which is inclusive to all children and young people;
- have sufficient information and skills to protect themselves in a variety of situations including from exploitation;
- understand how to face risks and make sound decisions;
- be aware of sources of help and acquire the skills and confidence to access advice and support if necessary.
Other Useful Information
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RSE Parent Consultation
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